Cloud opens up for your data
Google’s new file syncing service, Google Drive, was launched last week, and it immediately stirred up discussions around existing cloud storage services. In simple words, cloud storage refers to the ability to upload and access your files or data on any device connected to the internet. The jury is still out on whether you should discard those flash drives and sign up for cloud storage services, since Indian users are still in the early stages of getting the most out of their internet devices. If you haven’t yet signed on to any cloud service, begin with evaluating how each service integrates with your device, or requirements. Not all users and businesses will be comfortable using an online backup service provided by a search and advertising company. Users or businesses that have data or files already on Google Docs, Google Drive does make the sense. For others, there is the Dropbox. Microsoft Office users will find it easy to migrate their data to Microsoft SkyDrive, ...