European looking for a simple strategy... (EUR/USD)

This is Marcello, from Italy.

After reading "The Little Book That Beats the Market" I invested, since 2009, part of my money with Mr. Greenblatt's "Magic Formula".
(in short terms it consists in buying some cheap and profitable US Stocks each 2/3 months and sell them after 1 year).

The "problem" is that I live in EuroZone, so I decided to protect my investments from the risk of EUR/USD fluctuations buying the Future EUR/USD for the same amount of USD.

So, until now, i've been constantly protected from the EUR/USD fluctuations.

I'm now wondering if a better strategy when you buy US Stocks (and live in Eurozone) would be to buy the EUR/USD pair ONLY IN THOSE PERIODS WHEN EURO IS PERFORMING BETTER THAN USD.

To understand where these periods were I've tried to use Monthly Simple Moving Average (10 months) on the EUR/USD graph.

But I obtained terrible results. :cry:

Any suggestions on which strategy I could follow to achieve this goal?

I think I need a strategy (daily? weekly?) with not too many signals. Could anyone help?

Thanks a lot. I hope the problem is clear.


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